Northland Players supports itself through show revenue, member dues, small grants and donations. Show production revenue covers less than half our annual operating expenses. Any donation you can make will help fill the gap!
If you wish to participate in the Angel Program, please click for the form below and mail with your contribution. Northland Players, Inc. is a non-profit corporation and your gift is tax-detectable.
Angel Donation Form
Our 2025 Angels
Angel – $500
- Francie Stafford
Benefactor – $250
- Karl W. & Dr. Mary Ann Heidemann
- Lucille Thornton
Patron – $100
- Barbara Algenstedt
- Steve & Lisa Brisson
- Owen Goslin
- Beach Hall
- Scott & Vikki Kelley
- Pat & Jean Linton
- Vince Lumetta and Linda Rogers
- Sherry Nelson
- David and Julie Neph
- Betty Schaefer
- William & Diane Schryer
- Pat Esther-Schmidt
Friend – $50
- Kristen Baggott and Michael O’Brien
- Alice Barron
- Anne Marie Farrell
- D and Rick Gillig
- Diane Morand
- Linda and Ted Szczepanski
- Elliot & Sangster
- Johnson’s Home Decorating Center